No Matches
lean_graph::DAG< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H > Class Template Reference

#include <lean_graph.h>

Inheritance diagram for lean_graph::DAG< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H >:
lean_graph::DiGraph< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H >

Public Member Functions

auto topo_sort () const -> std::vector< CounterType >
virtual auto singular_shortest_path (CounterType start, CounterType end) const -> std::pair< std::unordered_map< CounterType, Cost >, std::unordered_map< CounterType, CounterType > > override
- Public Member Functions inherited from lean_graph::DiGraph< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H >
auto registerNode (const NodeType &node) -> CounterType
virtual auto registerEdge (CounterEdge< CounterType, Cost > edge) -> void
virtual auto modifyEdge (CounterEdge< CounterType, Cost > edge, Cost new_cost) -> std::optional< edge_error >
auto existEdge (CounterEdge< CounterType, Cost > edge) const -> bool
auto existBlankEdge (CounterBlankEdge< CounterType > edge) const -> bool
auto existBlankEdge (CounterEdge< CounterType, Cost > edge) const -> bool
auto existCounterNode (CounterType node) const -> bool
virtual auto edges () const -> std::vector< CounterEdge< CounterType, Cost > >
template<VisitOrder v>
auto dfs () const -> std::vector< CounterType >
template<VisitOrder v>
auto bfs () const -> std::vector< CounterType >
template<VisitOrder v>
auto explore_dfs (CounterType from) const -> std::vector< CounterType >
template<VisitOrder v>
auto explore_bfs (CounterType from) const -> std::vector< CounterType >
virtual auto cycles () const -> std::vector< std::vector< CounterType > >
 INFO: Johnson algorithm.
auto bellman_ford (CounterType start) const -> std::pair< std::unordered_map< CounterType, Cost >, std::unordered_map< CounterType, CounterType > > const
auto scc () -> std::vector< DiGraph > const
 INFO: Strongly connected components (SCC)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from lean_graph::DiGraph< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H >
template<VisitOrder v>
auto explore_dfs_protected (CounterType from, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< std::unordered_set< CounterType > > > pre_visited=std::nullopt) const -> std::vector< CounterType >
template<VisitOrder v>
auto explore_bfs_protected (CounterType from, std::optional< std::reference_wrapper< std::unordered_set< CounterType > > > pre_visited=std::nullopt) const -> std::vector< CounterType >
- Protected Attributes inherited from lean_graph::DiGraph< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H >
std::unordered_map< CounterType, std::set< CounterHalfEdge< CounterType, Cost > > > graph
Counter< NodeType, CounterType, H > node_counter {0}
CounterType num_node
CounterType num_edge

Detailed Description

template<class NodeType, class Cost, class CounterType, class H>
requires Hashable<NodeType> and std::is_arithmetic_v<Cost>
class lean_graph::DAG< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H >

INFO: A BasicGraph is just a DiGraph that can be multi-edges, with edge-cost being different.

INFO: A DAG is a Directed Acyclic Graph that can be multi-edges, with edge-cost being different.

Member Function Documentation

◆ singular_shortest_path()

template<class NodeType, class Cost, class CounterType, class H>
virtual auto lean_graph::DAG< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H >::singular_shortest_path ( CounterType start,
CounterType end ) const -> std::pair<std::unordered_map<CounterType, Cost>, std::unordered_map<CounterType, CounterType>>

INFO: Single source, single path dijkstra algorithm User discretion required, user might input negative cost.

Successful djikstra will contain at least a vector of two nodes. If you're not a nerd, please be careful

Reimplemented from lean_graph::DiGraph< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H >.

◆ topo_sort()

template<class NodeType, class Cost, class CounterType, class H>
auto lean_graph::DAG< NodeType, Cost, CounterType, H >::topo_sort ( ) const -> std::vector<CounterType>

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